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Manual Lymphatic Drainage Specialist in
Liverpool, Merseyside


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Barbara McCaffrey is a certified Vodder MLD therapist based in Liverpool, Merseyside, with over 10 years experience who is known for providing exceptional care to individuals looking to improve their health and well-being through Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage. 


Whether you're looking to reduce swelling, boost your immunity, relieve stress, improve your skin tone, alleviate pain, or promote healing, Barbara is a specialist MLD Practitioner and has the expertise and experience to help. 


Her approach to patients/clients care is truly second to none.

Barbara began studying the lymphatic system in 2012 and has not stopped gaining knowledge since, through review courses, webinars, seminars and books. 


MLD - Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist
covering Liverpool, Merseyside

Whilst living in Spain, Barbara qualified as a massage therapist where she practiced for over 20 years.  


After accomplishing her certification as a manual lymphatic drainage therapist at the Witlinger/Vodder Lymphoedema Academy Clinic in Walchsee, Austria in 2015, her knowledge, passion, and expertise accelerated her to become an exceptional Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapist. 


Whether your interest in MLD massage is referencing post-cosmetic surgery, primary/secondary lymphoedema, lipedema, oedema, fluid retention during pregnancy/postpartum, stomach bloating, IBS, etc…Barbara’s devotion to her profession will excel in her delivery of MLD.


Barbara is available for Manual Lymphatic Drainage and associated treatments, in Liverpool and surrounding areas for home visits, as well as being based in Aughton, Ormskirk. 


Barbara still holds clinics abroad, mainly in Malaga, Marbella and Ibiza. Please get in touch to arrange an international appointment.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Post-Surgery Treatments,
Liverpool, Merseyside


Manual Lymphatic Drainage is imperative post cosmetic surgery. It reduces the chance of infection, seromas, minimises fibrotic tissue and accelerates results.


Chronic swelling of one or more parts of the body due to the collection of
lymphatic fluid accumulating in tissue, hands and feet can be affected.


Chronic medical condition characterised by symmetric build up of adipose tissue (fat) in the legs and arms that is usually sensitive to touch and may bruise easily.

Cupping post cosmetic surgery brings any fibrosis to the surface enabling the therapist to achieve maximum drainage by softening the tissue.


MLD - Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy,
Liverpool, Merseyside


Barbara's expertise as a Manual Lymphatic Drainage specialist extends to a wide range of conditions, including post-cosmetic surgery, lymphoedema, lipedema, oedema, fluid retention during pregnancy/postpartum, stomach bloating, IBS, and many more.


She provides a personalised treatment that's tailored to each patient's unique needs and concerns, ensuring exceptional care and support.


Whatever your condition or needs may be, you can trust in Barbara's expertise as an MLD therapist to help you achieve optimal health and well-being.

Barbara Mc Caffrey is registered as a Manual Lymphatic Drainage Specialist with the MLD UK Association, an organisation that works to ensure a high standard of MLD is practiced by requiring that members have undertaken adequate training


Book an MLD - Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
with Barbara Mc Caffrey


Covering Liverpool, Merseyside and surrounding areas.

Tel: +44 7311 119998

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  • What to expect after a Manual Lymphatic Drainage treatment.
    For general health, wellbeing and detoxing, you can expect to urinate more frequently after receiving a manual lymphatic drainage treatment. Your urine will be darker in colour and quite pungent. It is not uncommon to feel lethargic or out of sorts, even a little melancholy for the following 24 hours. This is due to the lymphatic system ridding your body of toxins and debris. On occasions any symptoms of previous virus', bacteria, food poisoning etc are likely to return for a few hours but not as severe. Once these symptoms subside you will feel healthier and more energetic. If your reason for MLD is to treat lymphoedema or lipedema you will experience the same as the previous explanation only ten fold! Your condition is chronic so you will need regular lymphatic drainage and probably a compression garment. Any aches and pains will be reduced after MLD. The build up of toxins cause inflammation, so eliminating debris not only reduces discomfort, dead cells get replaced with live cells which improves immunity.
  • What is secondary lymphoedoema?
    Secondary lymphoedema - Damage to the lymphatic system. Usual cause, removal of lymph nodes, radio therapy or injury resulting in impairment of the lymphatic vessels. Usually unilateral. Symptoms - Excess swelling, sometimes tender to touch, fibrotic tissue (hard/lumpy). Treatment - Combined Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (CLDT) = Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), deep oscillation, compression garment. Result - Lymphoedema whether primary or second can be managed successfully reducing the risk of cellulitis and ulcers.
  • Post Cosmetic Surgery Manual Lymphatic Drainage treatments
    MLD is very important post cosmetic surgery, there is no exception. It accelerates your recovery, which means you achieve your desired result much faster. More importantly MLD reduces the risk of seromas and infection, both of which may need medical attention if ignored. Without the correct aftercare, fluid stagnates in tissue which becomes fibrotic, slowing down your progress, leaving your skin feeling very tight, painful and lumpy. ALL cosmetic procedures benefit from Manual Lymphatic Drainage. BBL (fat removed ‘usually’ from stomach and transferred into the glute area). Lipo, Vaser Lipo, Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Gynecomastia, (man boobs), Blepharoplasty (upper and lower eye lift), Rhinoplasty (nose job), Rhytidectomy (face lift), Brachioplasty (arm lift), Thighplasty (thigh lift) etc...
  • What is primary lymphoedoema?
    Lymphoedema - Chronic swelling of one or more parts of the body due to the collection of lymphatic fluid accumulating in tissue, hands and feet may be affected. Primary lymphoedema - Congenital, manifesting in adolescence (praecox=very early), or 35+ years (tardis). Symptoms - Excess swelling, sometimes tender to touch, fibrotic tissue (hard/lumpy). Treatment - Combined Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (CLDT) = Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), deep oscillation, compression garment. Result - Lymphoedema whether primary or second can be managed successfully reducing the risk of cellulitis and ulcers.
  • Can anyone have Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
    Absolutely! Anyone can benefit from an MLD treatment.
  • What is Lipedema?
    Lipedema - An abnormal build up of fat/tissue. Symptoms - Large Arms and/or legs affecting both sides of the body but not hands and feet, torso considerably smaller (out of proportion). Usually only seen in women. Tender to touch. Treatment - Combined Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (CLDT) = Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), deep oscillation, compression garment. Result - Reducing and in many cases preventing the progression into lymphoedema.
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