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Lipedema Treatments

Manual lymphatic drainage is suitable for people who experience Lipedema. Treatments can incorporate manual lymphatic drainage, deep oscillation, foam rolling, and compression.


Lipedema - Chronic medical condition characterised by symmetric build up of adipose tissue (fat) in the legs and arms that is usually sensitive to touch and may bruise easily.
Symptoms - Legs, buttocks and sometimes arms that are out of proportion with the torso. Can be firm or dimpled in appearance. 
Usually only seen in women. Tender to touch. 
Treatment - Combined Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (CLDT) = Manual Lymphatic Drainage
(MLD), deep oscillation, compression garment.
Result - Reducing and in many cases preventing the progression into Lymphoedema.



Reducing symptoms including volume and and in some cases, preventing the progression into Lymphoedema.  


Lipedema manual lymphatic drainage massage:


Helps to manage the symptoms by reducing swelling and inflammation, encouraging excess lymphatic fluid to be transported out of the body, ridding the system of toxins.


Reduces the formation of fibrosis, breaking down already present scar tissue.


Improves circulation.


Promotes wound healing.

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